About Us

About Oasis Leadership Development & Consulting

Company Profile Our Founder and CEO, Ms. Sandra is a highly regarded leadership and management trainer, credentialed executive coach, mentor, podcast host, with experience in online, group, and in-person training.

Oasis Leadership Development and Consulting was created with the vision to ‘inspire personal and professional curiosity’. With her formal education with a master’s of arts in leadership training, from Royal Roads University specializing in organizational development, Ms. Sandra has created a unique learning experience that has inspired many who have participated in her training sessions.

Her vast experience has included working in leadership positions in the healthcare industry, post-educational institutions, to government social programs community development entities. In addition, her depth of understanding in organizational development was formed through her work experiences in unionized, non-unionized, private, and not-for profit agencies.

We are remotely located in the Middle East, United Arab Emirates, and in Northern Canada. Our talented training facilitators are situated throughout the globe offering leadership and management theory, including technical and practical skills to our learners.

Our company offers a corporate leadership training series called Sandaraella Corporate Leadership Training that was designed to work with our company partners. Through this series we were inspired to create micro-online learning, and nano knowledge sessions to accommodate busy professionals who are limited on time, and those who want to have a concentrated learning experience that will inspire new knowledge; or as a quick refresher towards achieving personal goals. We have since launched our signature micro-online learning training series called Oasis-Lead Your Development Training available through our online learning portal.

Oasis Leadership Development & Consulting delivers on its successful leadership training, executive C-suite coaching, group coaching, mentoring, and strategies that promote organizational culture transformation processes that build company success. Our applied learning content incorporates relevant theories, and practices that will enhance your learning experience.

We are highly skilled at organizing and facilitating management and team-building training programs and activities, through instructional onsite, and virtual training sessions.

Our Company’s Guiding Principles

VISION : To inspire personal and professional curiosity

VALUES : Transformation; Innovation; Exploration; Mindfulness

MISSION : To open pathways of dialogue that support our curiosity, improve our reach, while inspiring us to be the best that we can be